Terms of use

This website is owned and operated by the Asia New Zealand Foundation (the “Foundation”) – New Zealand’s leading non-government authority on Asia. The Foundation is a non-partisan and a non-profit organisation. Please read these terms carefully because they apply to your use of this website and all of its contents (the “website”). By accessing and using the website, you will be deemed to agree to the following terms and conditions of use (the “Terms”) and the Foundation’s Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to be bound by the Terms then you must stop accessing and using the website.


Content appearing on the Asia Media Centre website comes from a number of sources, internal and external to the Asia Media Centre and the Foundation.

Content on this website, including articles and videos, can be published by the New Zealand media, provided attribution is made to the Asia Media Centre. However, please note this website provides links to other websites, which may contain information that is the copyright of third parties and subject to restrictions on use or reproduction.

The Asia Media Centre makes every effort to ensure information appearing on this website is as accurate as possible but we provide no guarantee as to the accuracy or currency of any individual item.

The Asia Media Centre accepts no liability for the accuracy or content of information on the site provided by third parties, nor for the accuracy or content of any third-party website that you may access via a hyperlink from our website.

This website contains information about the Foundation and its activities, along with information relating to New Zealand and the peoples and countries of Asia.

Please contact us if you wish to reproduce images found on the site.

General restrictions and links

General restrictions

In using the website, you must not:

  • violate any applicable laws;

  • distribute viruses, corrupted files or any other similar software or programs that may damage the operation of any computer hardware or software;

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  • engage in any other conduct that inhibits any other person from using or enjoying the website.


  • You are free to create a link to the Asia Media Centre website. If you do create a link to any of the pages on the website we would appreciate you advising us.

  • While you may use the name of the website in the text of any such link, you may not use any of our logos or trademarks without our prior written consent.

  • You must not frame the website or represent or imply that any part of the website belongs to anyone other than the Asia New Zealand Foundation.

  • If we notify you that we object to the manner in which you provide links to the website, you must immediately cease providing such links.

  • In creating a link to the website, you acknowledge that you are responsible for all direct or indirect consequences of the link. You also agree to indemnify the Asia Media Centre/Foundation for all loss, damage, liability or costs arising in relation to the link.

  • The Asia Media Centre/Foundation is not responsible for the content of any external websites which you visit if you follow a link on the website. When visiting other websites, you should refer to the conditions of use of each of them and not rely on these conditions.


The Asia Media Centre may employ cookie technology on the website.

A cookie is a string of information sent by a user interface and stored on your hard drive or temporarily in your computer’s memory. When you access our user interfaces, we may place a cookie on your computer. This allows the user interfaces to recognise you as you move through the user interfaces. We may store and access cookies on your machine. You can delete cookies from your website browser at any time.

We may collect information relating to viewer trends and patterns and use cookies and software tools to measure website usage and related information.

Other websites that are linked to this website may also use cookies, over which we have no control. Other websites’ use of cookies is subject to their own terms.


Views expressed by non-Foundation commentators do not necessarily reflect those of the Asia Media Centre or the Asia New Zealand Foundation. 

The Asia Media Centre/Foundation, its staff, board of trustees or agents, do not accept any responsibility for any loss, howsoever arising, resulting from reliance on any information on, or omitted from, this website.

The Asia Media Centre/Foundation makes no warranty, express or implied, nor assumes any legal liability or responsibility that:

  • the website or the server are free of computer viruses or any other harmful components, defects or errors;

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The Asia Media Centre/Foundation reserves the right to modify the Terms at any time by posting an updated version on the website.

The Asia Media Centre/Foundation may change, suspend or discontinue any aspect of the website at any time, including any service or content.

Privacy Policy

Personal information 

Personal information is information about an identifiable individual and includes the individual’s name, address, email address, and telephone numbers. The Asia Media Centre collects information about you whenever you interact with us, for example, when you visit the website or if you sign up to our newsletter.

Purposes for which we collect, hold and use your personal information

Information that is collected include general user information such as users’ internet protocol addresses, browser type and internet service provider details and other technical information. The Asia Media Centre uses this information to administer the website and to gain a better understanding of users and how they use the website. However, this information does not include any personally identifiable information. The Asia Media Centre has no interest in personally identifying its website visitors.

The Asia Media Centre may store personal information we collect in any format we choose at our offices or at premises outside our offices, including data storage facilities or online storage located within or outside New Zealand, which may be operated by independent service contractors.

The details of those registering to subscribe to our Asia Media Centre newsletters – Asia Digest and Asia Alert – will be collated. Names, email addresses, phone numbers and organisation names will be identifiable. If you no longer wish to receive our newsletters you can unsubscribe using the option linked at the bottom of the newsletter.

Third-party websites

The website contains links to other sites. It is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such websites.


The Asia Media Centre/Foundation reserves the right to update this Privacy Policy from time to time. 

Contact us

We welcome your questions and comments.  Please feel free to contact us:

Director, Strategic Communications and Media
Asia New Zealand Foundation
PO Box 10-144
Wellington 6143
New Zealand