
Report: Changing trends in China and implications for NZ

10 July 2024

Late last year, Asia New Zealand Foundation Leadership Network members Brad Olsen and Millie Morgan travelled to China with the support of a Foundation travel grant.

While over there, the pair looked at changing economic trends in China and implications for New Zealand. From the importance of Kiwi businesses telling a strong story, to the rise of online shopping and engagement in China, there were many interesting insights the two took away.

They wrote a report on what they learned - click here to read the full report, Changing trends in China:
implications for NZ
 - and will also be presenting their results at an Asia After Five:

Date/time: Tuesday 23 July 2024, 5:30 - 7:30 pm
Venue: Level 16, Fujitsu Tower, 141 The Terrace PO Box 10 144, Wellington, 6143

This event is free to attend, but please RSVP for catering purposes.