
Previous Asia success stories face Covid again

26 May 2021

Around the world, the number of confirmed Covid-19 cases has risen to more than 167 million and across Asia, nations are battling with the virus and rolling out vaccines. At the Asia Media Centre, we're helping you keep track of what's happening with a roundup of media coverage from across the region.

Vaccination rollout around the world and in Asia: 



Hindustan Times: The containment model that helped Mumbai tide over second wave
Times of India: Vaccine demand-supply gap reduced from 11:1 to 6.5:1
The Hindu: Coronavirus live updates 


Bangkok Post: Senators take aim at vaccine rollout plan
The Nation: The different Covid-19 variants attacking Thailand


Antara: Raw material arrives for eight million doses of Sinovac vaccine
The Jakarta Globe: Jakarta's post-immunisation commission ensures Covid vaccine safety

Indonesia has received raw material supplies for eight million doses of COVID-19 vaccine from the Chinese biopharmaceutical company Sinovac. Photo by Sam Moqadam ( on Unsplash (


Channel News Asia: Singapore approves storage of Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine at refrigerator temperatures
Today: 60-second Covid-19 breath test gets provisional go-ahead


Sixth Tone: A brief history of Chinese vaccination campaigns
Caixin: China's vaccines can tackle Indian variants, expert says

South Korea 

Yonhap News Agency: One in three young Koreans pick pandemic as number one social anxiety factor 
The Chosun Ilbo: Who benefited from the pandemic?

Delivery workers in Korea reportedly had the biggest increase in income over the pandemic. Photo by Claudio Schwarz | @purzlbaum ( on Unsplash (


The Japan News: Japan arranging to extend state of emergency
The Asahi Shimbun: Explainer: Why Japan has been slow to roll out vaccinations


Philippine Star: Local officials warned on mass gatherings
Rappler: Philippines eyes trial of 'mixing' Covid-19 vaccine brands by June


SGGP Online: PM suggests forming Covid-19 vaccine fund
Viet Nam News: Hanoi takes tough stance to stop the spread of Covid-19


New Straits Times: AstraZeneca 2.0 vaccination only for senior citizens for now
The Star: Malaysians, travellers from Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal and Pakistan to undergo mandatory quarantine period of 21 days

- Asia Media Centre