Get media-savvy with our Auckland and Christchurch media workshops
30 April 2021
The Asia Media Centre provides media training to New Zealand-based subject matter experts as an opportunity to consider how their work has relevance for the New Zealand media and where they may productively engage with print, broadcast, and social media.
The Foundation is hosting a media workshop in central Christchurch on Friday 21 May 2021, and in Auckland on Friday 11 June 2021. This is a full-day event that will run from 8.30am to 5.30pm. It is fully-funded and catered by the Asia New Zealand Foundation and is a unique opportunity to set yourself apart as a media-savvy superstar in your field.
This workshop will provide you with an introduction to the New Zealand media and to the Asia Media Centre, and will also provide you with tips on working effectively with the media.
We are inviting expressions of interest from academics and early career researchers who would like to enhance their confidence with the New Zealand media and learn how they can share their expertise.
If you're interested in attending, please register your interest here for the Christchurch workshop or here for the Auckland workshop. For any questions, please email [email protected] with 'Media training' in the subject line.
Media training participant Leilani Fuemana interviewed by trainer Simon Morton in 2020/