Dr Monica Ren

China Business Expert

Dr Monica Ren is an expert in China's the country's foreign direct investment (FDI), firms' internationalisation strategies, and business/ guanxi networks. She is a scholar, a creative thinker with an entrepreneurial spirit, and a mindfulness practitioner.

Monica is an Assistant Professor/ Lecturer in International Business Strategies and Marketing at Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia (recently reformed as the Macquarie Business School). She is an affiliated scholar with the King’s College, UK. She holds a BBus and a Mfin from Victoria University Melbourne and a PhD in international business from Macquarie University.

Monica's core research interests pertain to the global strategy and firms' internationalization strategies, especially foreign direct investment (OFDI) and institutional studies.

She has a long-standing interest in the Chinese business context, and emerging interests that include the 'business networks', 'network internationalisation strategies' and 'guanxi gatekeeping' in multiple industries, as well as the public sector (e.g. intergovernmental collaboration).

She has been a member and a reviewer of Academy of International Business (AIB), Academy of Management (AOM), Australia and New Zealand International Business Academy (ANZIBA), and Australian Marketing Institute (AMI). She has been a guest reviewer for 'Social Indicators Research' (ABDC ranking- A), Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing' (ABDC ranking- A), Journal of International Management (ABDC ranking- A), Industrial Marketing and Management (ABDC ranking- A*), Journal of International Management (ABDC ranking- A) and Thunderbird International Business Review.

She can be contacted at Monica.Ren@mq.edu.au or Monica_Ren@yahoo.com